5 mistakes made when buying Instagram followers

In this world, when people tell you that there is a simple solution to your problem and it deals with social media be skeptical. One such area is the acquisition or purchase of Instagram leads and followers.

While there are many mistakes that companies and people make when spending money in pursuit of growth, we are going to focus on 5 common mistakes that get made that compromise success when purchasing likes and viewers on Instagram. The hope is that you can avoid these pitfalls, save money and scale your audience faster. At the end of the day, remember, whatever number you are looking at, there is a real human being behind it. The goal is to cultivate engagement with these human beings. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
1) Source of leads: Do not rely on one source. Maintain options and the ability to scale. If things move forward and you get traction and want to accelerate growth, you are likely going to need multiple source providers.

2) Poorly crafted images and content: Don’t assume that because somebody ended up on your content they are going to stick around. Ultimately, your success will be determined by the quality of engagement which will be based on the quality of your content. Try multiple styles and content formats. Think “a”/”b” testing. Develop your own style, publishing, and content strategy.

3) Strategy-While the longest journey begins with the first post, a strategy for why and when you post and select your content has to be developed. There has to be some level of predictability to take the “likes” and convert them into an engaged audience that has value to advertisers.
4) Focusing on the “wrong metrics”-for example; likes are not engagement. Some marketers will focus so much of their energy on IG likes. In reality, it is not an effective way to grow your account if you are looking for something more than just a temporary boost in popularity before people stop paying attention and move on to other pastures.

5) Fake Followers: There is a difference between a “bot” that has no value, and a real person which can have real value. Once again, this falls under the category of the first point which is, “quality counts”.

In closing, the key to execution is consistency and giving the platform time. Don’t expect the world to show up at your doorstep just because you are now “active”. Each day, every interaction and data point are an opportunity to refine your game plan, hone your value proposition and build your audience.
Author Bio- Margie Heaneythe has been helping people get more social media followers for their personal and brand accounts since 2013 and loves sharing her knowledge with others on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube marketing strategies.
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